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[Sky team] Dippin’ Noodles - My first Dip

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Post time 14-3-2019 12:56:03 | Show the author posts only Reply Awards |Descending |Read mode

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This is a backtracked, translated copy of my first time. It is to mark my 1st anniversary since joining the club. Enjoy~

Since returning to Hong Kong from overseas, my heart had been telling me to search for the same thrill I had once experienced. It hit me one day in the office. ‘Does it exist in Hong Kong too? A place where I can have all the fun I yearn for, without ties, without worry, yet its safe and private. A very exclusive place for me to savour. Just like those orgy parties in different countries and such, ‘Happening bars’ or similar?
So I started searching on the internet. And found this certain article on a famed online magazine. As I read on, I told myself: I found you.
I’ve never been an online forum user. Didn’t know its culture, and not interested in talking to people I’ve never met. But this was a chance to experience it.
I’ve never tried so hard to gain attention of people I can’t even see in the past. Neither have I ever spent so much time reading up every single rule and regulation at any single point, including those that are almost common sense to anyone. Handing in the forms, and I waited patiently. Maintaining the ‘friendship’ with those I recognize with a name and an avatar daily. I totally agree with the way the procedures went. It helped me build up a network of people whom I could share my sexual views or taboo topics with, something I couldn’t and wouldn’t do back in my normal life. My tension are always raised by the following words everytime I open up the homepage:

This is a sanctuary gathered with a group of friendly people, who aren’t satisfied with customary colourless lifestyle, and aren’t afraid of facing up to what we truly need.

That’s me! I am that person who aren’t satisfied with what the society labelled, the customary, boring, colourless lifestyle that all regular people lead! I’m in the right place!
The phone call arrives. I was already electrified by James’ magnetic, charismatic voice. After receiving the necessary indication and information, I went on for my body check and waited again, this time, knowing I am already in the circle. The chit-chatting continues until one day, I am able to view many different parts of the forum. Including the self-portrait section.

Bring you own Food Night

I was first nicknamed ‘Jam Face’ on the forum, as its pronounciation is pretty similar to my nickname 占面. I even changed my avatar into a plate with a smiley drawn with Jams. So being a newcomer on a ‘Bring your own food night’, I’ve decided to bring a bottle of Jam with some bread, hoping it’d bring an impression on everyone.
Before I enter the sanctuary, James asked me to guess who’s my mentor.

This hasn’t crossed my mind yet, and since I was asked, I answered with Ah Mong, a lady whom I’ve chatted with a lot on the forum.
James replied ‘You got the ‘Mon’ part correct, but she’s a different ‘Mon’.

Wait, so there’s a different ‘Mong?’ How many are there? And before I could even react, my eyes are covered, and in I go, rolling dip into the dreamland.

I can still remember when I first enter the door. Unable to use my sense of sight, the hearing comes in. Sound of laughter and cheering. A party is going on and everyone is enjoying. I walked in slowly, blindfolded. I was introduced loudly, and returned with a lively cheer of “Welcome!” James then introduced Kimon to me, who is my mentor. Ah, so she’s the ‘Mon’.
Kimon’s voice was so sweet and lively. Voices around me keep saying “You are so lucky! Kimon is very pretty!” Yes I am very lucky. To be the newest member of this little family.
The next lucky happening was when I was sat down to remove my shoes, a manly voice was heard
“I’m your male mentor, I’m Dino. Nice to meet you.”
Being a sport myself, I happily accepted this ‘male mentor’.  “Yay! I must be the first newbie to receive two mentor! One from each sex!”
Of course, it was a joke. He isn’t my mentor.
I lose my sense of direction pretty soon after making a few turns. Too much noise, too many happenings, and too many people introducing themselves to me. Here’s what I remember:
-Haley’s erotic tickle
- Elfrida’s hands, whom I’ve chatted with online
- Voice of my mentor Kimon telling me all sorts of instructions
- My big reaction when I heard that Mong is actually here too
- delicious bello-mushrooms, cookies etc cooked by masterchef Mustard
- And many, many names introduced to me. At that time, I seriously couldn’t remember, especially without a face to the names.
It was my first blindfold shower experience. I tried rubbing Kimon’s back but it was hard to keep balance. Just feeling her hands all over me, cleaning me up. Wished I could had done something for her back then.
Kimon carefully guided me out and back to the lively living room, and that was when James’ briefing begin. It was then when I found out that I wasn’t the only newbie of the night. Twinstar, a female newbie, is here too. And her reason for joining is because she’s ‘Harp Sup’. What a straight forward answer! The room cheered.
While doing body check, James asked me if I’d like to have a go with my mentor Kimon. I wasn’t paying attention at that time as I was trying to eavesdrop on whats happening outside of the room, so I didn’t give a clear response to James. Thank god James asked me again to confirm, I almost missed my chance and became probably the first ever newbie who dare reject a mentor, before even removing my blindfold! I gave a clear and loud answer to him this time: “YES PLEASE!”


I’m a lucky fellow. I can clearly feel other member’s envies even without looking at them. Having Kimon as my member, having her as my first experience in the club, and according to everyone else, I got the biggest room to ourselves. Sorry about it.
Mentor asked me if I’d like to remove my blindfold now. Being a curious boy, of course I’d love to! But for the sake of having a complete newcomer experience, I decided not to. We’ll continue with blindfold on.
Couldn’t exactly remember what happened next, probably due to the unpreventable nervousness and excitement. I remember that my lil’ noodle wasn’t exactly doing his best. Fortunately, he’s a good boy when it comes to Kimon’s instructions. She was great! Extremely gentle and yet good at what she’s doing.
She sat onto lil’ noodle, whom by now became big noodle. Without the sense of sight, my sense of touch was expanded tremendously. The stimulation was so great, I couldn’t help it but to flip her over in order to stop myself from ejaculating too soon. That was when a pleasant accident occurred, my blindfold slipped off.
I finally understood all the envious comments from other members. I saw an angel. An angel whom I have a part of my body inserted into her’s. She was giving off an overwhelming enjoying expression. Her eyes speared through my heart. Her voice, which I had been hearing all along, gave off all the more ecstatic sensation than before. I lost control and fired off way too early in the game.
It was then when I finally get to take a good look around me. There are LED lights well decorated in the dark room. The glass door was covered with a semi-transparent curtain, which allow me to briefly see what’s going on outside, a lot of people, properly dressed of course, enjoying good food and good company. And back to Kimon, she gave me a mischievous look. I felt so embarrassed and sorry for allowing the newbie ritual to end so soon. She was so nice to me. She even guided me out to the washroom so I could pee before we enter sex proper earlier. At that time, I thanked Kimon from the bottom of my heart, for being such a patient mentor, and told her I will do a better job and return the favour to her in the future.

Coming out from the room, I released Kimon from her mentor duty, telling her I can take care of myself, please go out and have fun. I took my time to observe and re-introduce myself to other now-visible members. I tried looking for the other newbie Twinstar, but it seems she was having 4P fun with 3 other male members at that time. Wow, she indeed is very Ham Sup!
Turn out I sat on the sofa next to Elfrida. We had small talks when all of a sudden, a loud cheer was heard. The ladies were screaming. Boss James announced Jet would be arriving shortly.
Who’s this Jet? Well I couldn’t even get the chance to say hi, as he got surrounded by girls immediately upon his arrival. Suddenly I had an idea.
As the only available room at that time has a bunk bed, why don’t we take the top bunk and wait to watch the show? It would be FFFFFFFFM with Jet being the only guy involved!?

We started our first forum conversation surrounding the topic ‘Morning Q’, meaning sex first thing in the morning. The topic continued to this day as we are still talking about how satisfying it could be, as we climb up the bunk bed. Although we agreed to be ‘audience’ to Jet’s upcoming performance, our body are pretty damn honest. Almost instantly, we were kissing and removing each other’s clothes.
Everything proceeded on very quickly, as I held her head up to have a taste of lil’ noodle. She has this natural aura, as Elfrida slowly open up my slightly sadist side. ‘I want doggy’. Said Elfrida.
The top bunk shook like an earthquake, as the condom box container fell off. As well as a good load of sperm ejaculated. It was primitive. It was animal-like. It was dogging Elfrida.

Back to the living room again. Food are leftover and I was starving. Without wasting any of them, I cleared out the remaining food while trying to get involved with other member’s conversation. I then spotted Mong, who seem a little flushed with alcohol. Is she drunk? I went over to accompany her.
Oh, and now, the spotlight of the evening.
Living room Play @ Coco. What a sight! Performed by our very own James onto Coco. I’d say it’s a treat to everyone present. I’m lucky to have witness it on my first day around, Thank you very very much!
Halfway through, a room became available. I made my first proper invitation, and there, the now more sober Mong agreed.

Ah Mong

Its my third round of the night already, I thought lil’ Noodle most likely couldn’t take it anymore. But apparently in front of my another ‘Invisible mentor’, lil’ noodle told me to go for it, and make it up for all the teachings previously on the forum.
Its pretty chilly in the room, we exchanged warmth by hugging reeaalllly tight. And before knowing it, the kissing began.
Followed by the unforgettable voice of Mongmong.
Never did I expect, there’s someone out there more sensitive than I do.
-        -
We lost our memories in between. But it was super enjoyable. We had our own language. Our own method of communication. James came in to shoo us out of bed a few times, before we finally pulled ourselves out of bed as it was about time to end the event.
Mongmong, we need to do this again.

Back to the living room, and more than half of the participants are gone already. I’d love to get to know more of everyone, but it seems I need more time and come out to events more often to do that.
Mentor Kimon: Thank you for taking care of me. Wish to see you again.
Ah Mong:We share more than words.
Elfrida:You are missed. We owe each other a morning Q.
Rain:Hope to see you again!
Gillian:You were wearing an orange ribbon that night, wish you can give me a chance next time to get to know you better!
Virginia:Thanks for all your teachings. Really wanna see you again.
Nina:Didn’t get to talk much. Hope to see you again!
Haley:Are you gonna tickle me again?
DorDor:Sorry for not saying hi properly with you.
Twinstar:Welcome me, welcome you!
Athena:Also, didn’t get to talk to you much! Look forward to seeing you again.
Toki:Didn’t talk to you, so sorry.
Coco:Interesting shame play in the living room. High level endurance and entertainment! Wish to get to know you better soon!
Dino: Looking forward to your “mentorship”
Mustard:Would love to talk to you more and say “Hi Captain!” To you properly. Thanks for the great food!
Dick:Finally I get to meet the famous Dick! Chat more soon
Day:you’re my idol! Thanks for the tips!
Shadow:Sorry for keep forgetting your name. Will remember you properly
Driven:Another idol of mine. Kind and helpful like a big brother
Jet:You’re so handsome

And finally but most importantly, thank you boss James for allowing me to join this little family. Its my pleasure to witness all that you had done for the club over the past decade. Im not sure how i can contribute, but please do let me know if there’s something i can do.
Thank you once again, James!
See you all again and thanks for staying tuned.

Post time 21-8-2019 11:41:39 | Show the author posts only
Hey "jam face"

Actually you know after reading these reports, I normally feel like I understand the club a little better, but after reading yours, I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS!

Who is Jet?!
What did you do with Ah Mong?!?!
How can you remember so many names?!
How can I ask Twinstar to be my Ham Sup Si Fu?!?!
When will I be blessed with Kimon's beauty?!

Hahaha, but nah bro, really appreciate you taking the time to translate it into English. This was truly an awesome read!

I didn't realise you were still relatively new to the club, as you are very active member already! Hope we have the chance to meet man and I look forward to reading your future Activity reports.
 Author| Post time 21-8-2019 12:03:58 | Show the author posts only
Solo replied at 21-8-2019 11:41
Hey "jam face"

Actually you know after reading these reports, I normally feel like I unders ...

Hi Solo

Yes i am still within 2 years new. In fact not alot of members stay beyond that. U know, people come and go.
As for your questions:

Who is Jet?!
A very popular male member.
What did you do with Ah Mong?!?!
I xxx her and xxx her.
How can you remember so many names?!

I tried really hard!
How can I ask Twinstar to be my Ham Sup Si Fu?!?!

Come join the club and wait for your chance to meet her, and ask her directly?
When will I be blessed with Kimon's beauty?!

Same as above?
Post time 24-4-2019 02:25:16 | Show the author posts only
Edited by edmund at 24-4-2019 02:26

!!! truly admired!!!!

I did have weird feeling when i read the post: I should have read Jamface’s “first time” somewhen and it’s in Chinese... when i found out what’s going on I was shocked...! How could this guy translate his “first time” post year ago!!! It doesn’t make sense because SnB seems to be targeting mainly locals....

Indeed... where were english speaking couples in new member thread long long time ago.....and i don’t know if this happens very often.....

Anyway, Jamface, this is so impressive.....admired!

 Author| Post time 24-4-2019 10:17:22 | Show the author posts only
edmund replied at 24-4-2019 02:25
!!! truly admired!!!!

I did have weird feeling when i read the post: I should have read Jamface’s  ...

Im flattered good sir.
Just felt that writing up an english version would be good way to show support to the non-chinese speaking community here
Nowadays im known as dippin’ noodles in english
 Author| Post time 10-10-2019 15:46:08 | Show the author posts only
Ana replied at 10-10-2019 13:50
wow....that was a good first time event, lucky you.
And I enjoy reading it. thx haha

Hi Ana
This was my first time report from a year and half ago. I remade it in english for english audience purpose
Nice to talk to you again, and looking forward to your first time report!
Post time 21-6-2020 15:08:59 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 21-6-2020 13:57
She's an angel to everyone.

I never met an angel before
I'm sure this club is full of them !

Thanks to have replied in English, it's quite frustrating to don't be able to participate more on this forum and talk with some new ppl.
Cantoneese is super hard to learn
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:10:26 | Show the author posts only
Nina replied at 14-3-2019 14:32
好高興認識你! 越來越俊美了~~ ...

I'm glad to be in this small family too! Thank you for being a part of my life! Its so colourful now
Post time 14-3-2019 16:15:30 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 15:11
We met on a different event right?
I'm glad we finally made love. More to come baby

yes, in the spring last year...
and dreams come true 9 months later
you become more attractive... I have to say that it is the moment I cherish.
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 18:06:22 | Show the author posts only
Bikini replied at 14-3-2019 17:42
占占,Congratulations on your one year anniversary

Seems you’ve got overseas sex party experi ...

Thanks bikini!
Ah yes, i have detailed article in the original article section
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:54:51 | Show the author posts only
AlisoN replied at 14-3-2019 15:53
As I remember, both of us are Brat and switch
Any clue now?

of course i do. what i mean is i want to know exactly what do you want to do with me, or what u want me to do to you hehehe
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 14:27:20 | Show the author posts only
stella replied at 14-3-2019 13:13
見到占面出post 打開睇,

Dont worry about that stella.
Thank you for your support!
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 21:33:42 | Show the author posts only
Alessio replied at 14-3-2019 21:25
My friend, I LOVED your story. I read it straight, feels I was there with you :)
I hope we have the  ...

thanks friend
Your wish will be granted soon i hope
 Author| Post time 29-5-2019 10:52:35 | Show the author posts only
Rinfunded replied at 29-5-2019 10:18
Looks like you had a lotta fun that night. I, similar to you, am also very nervous but obviously, yo ...

Good lick with that buddy
Nervousness is not necessary
 Author| Post time 21-8-2019 14:49:38 | Show the author posts only
Solo replied at 21-8-2019 13:06
HAhahaha, thanks for the response man.

But I was just asking rhetorical questions! :P

Good luck with the application! Chat me up at the chatroom sometime
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 14:25:47 | Show the author posts only
AlisoN replied at 14-3-2019 14:13
無論男女,一人要送你一個kiss!(Or more than that hahahaha) ...

Then where is your kiss(more more than that)?
Post time 14-3-2019 20:22:53 | Show the author posts only
AlisoN replied at 14-3-2019 14:36
We will have to figure out something later rmb?U know what I’m implying?

I don’t ...can you be more specific, lady? 大廳play...oh yes you can
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:11:20 | Show the author posts only
GinA replied at 14-3-2019 14:42
I still remember the moment I first saw you...
miss you baby

We met on a different event right?
I'm glad we finally made love. More to come baby
 Author| Post time 21-6-2020 16:18:10 | Show the author posts only
Anaklov replied at 21-6-2020 15:08
I never met an angel before
I'm sure this club is full of them !

Trust me, it will be really valuable to learn some cantonese in the club
Post time 24-4-2019 10:24:08 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 24-4-2019 10:17
Im flattered good sir.
Just felt that writing up an english version would be good way to show supp ...

okay! good morning Dippin’ Noddles!
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:10:48 | Show the author posts only
AlisoN replied at 14-3-2019 14:36
We will have to figure out something later rmb?U know what I’m implying?

I don't. Can you imply it more clearly so i can understand?
Post time 14-3-2019 13:13:26 | Show the author posts only
見到占面出post 打開睇,
Post time 21-6-2020 16:39:34 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 21-6-2020 16:18
Trust me, it will be really valuable to learn some cantonese in the club

Ok thanks for the advise, I'll do my best to improve it then
Post time 21-8-2019 13:06:33 | Show the author posts only

HAhahaha, thanks for the response man.

But I was just asking rhetorical questions! :P

Hope in the future we can meet!
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 23:50:51 | Show the author posts only
Alessio replied at 14-3-2019 22:43
sorry sorry, I had a tiny question: what is a Harp Sup if I may ask?

Google ‘salty wet cantonese’ and you’ll find out
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:11:50 | Show the author posts only
Tofu_Tofu replied at 14-3-2019 15:02

Thank you tofu.
But which 面 are you referring to?
Post time 14-3-2019 14:36:22 | Show the author posts only
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 Author| Post time 29-5-2019 10:52:02 | Show the author posts only
thirdteen replied at 16-5-2019 15:47
Thanks for sharing. I have similar background too. Hopefully one day, i will write a similar post

All the best!
Post time 15-3-2019 01:04:05 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 14:26
As always siuyiu, you’re the best

你都係you’re the best .
Jet come will be FFFFFFFFM Lol
SiuYiu also Harp Sup too !
Post time 10-10-2019 10:00:04 | Show the author posts only
Hi Jamface

Seems like you are a very lucky man. Thanks for the English post by the way!

I hope I can enjoy a first time like you have someday. Keep it up!
Post time 14-3-2019 15:53:14 | Show the author posts only
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Post time 14-3-2019 22:43:50 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 21:33
thanks friend
Your wish will be granted soon i hope

sorry sorry, I had a tiny question: what is a Harp Sup if I may ask?
 Author| Post time 21-6-2020 13:57:55 | Show the author posts only
Anaklov replied at 19-6-2020 23:46
Wow it sounds very exciting
Kimon looks to be an angel with the newbies

She's an angel to everyone.
Post time 15-3-2019 00:09:01 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 23:50
Google ‘salty wet cantonese’ and you’ll find out

thanks man ;) life is a never ending lesson!
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 14:26:46 | Show the author posts only
小姚 replied at 14-3-2019 13:19

Support support !

As always siuyiu, you’re the best
Post time 15-3-2019 09:51:07 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 15:11
Thank you tofu.
But which 面 are you referring to?


Post time 14-3-2019 23:47:18 | Show the author posts only
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Post time 14-3-2019 21:25:45 | Show the author posts only
My friend, I LOVED your story. I read it straight, feels I was there with you :)
I hope we have the chance to meet and chat one day!

 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 14:26:17 | Show the author posts only
VaneE replied at 14-3-2019 13:20

Same to you too!
Come out more often
Post time 14-3-2019 17:42:28 | Show the author posts only
占占,Congratulations on your one year anniversary

Seems you’ve got overseas sex party experience.
Post time 14-3-2019 14:32:50 | Show the author posts only
好高興認識你! 越來越俊美了~~
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 15:23:45 | Show the author posts only

Please don't remind me. I'm sad too while writing up the post.
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 22:20:01 | Show the author posts only
Mac replied at 14-3-2019 22:15

Post time 14-3-2019 22:28:18 | Show the author posts only
占面 replied at 14-3-2019 22:20

Post time 14-3-2019 14:13:37 | Show the author posts only
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 Author| Post time 16-3-2019 13:30:52 | Show the author posts only

Master. You’re funny. I like
 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 22:43:08 | Show the author posts only
Mac replied at 14-3-2019 22:28

未完㗎!the best is yet to come
Post time 10-10-2019 13:50:12 | Show the author posts only
wow....that was a good first time event, lucky you.
And I enjoy reading it. thx haha
Post time 19-6-2020 23:46:36 | Show the author posts only
Wow it sounds very exciting
Kimon looks to be an angel with the newbies
Post time 14-3-2019 15:02:59 | Show the author posts only
Post time 14-3-2019 16:03:44 | Show the author posts only
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Post time 14-3-2019 13:19:25 | Show the author posts only

Support support !
Post time 14-3-2019 14:42:23 | Show the author posts only
I still remember the moment I first saw you...
miss you baby
Post time 14-3-2019 13:20:31 | Show the author posts only
Post time 14-3-2019 22:15:15 | Show the author posts only
Post time 15-3-2019 21:47:44 | Show the author posts only
Welcome to S&B
Post time 14-3-2019 15:14:02 | Show the author posts only
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